The Department of Chemistry of the University of Minho recognizes the importance of interaction and exchange of experiences between the different educational levels of the Portuguese education system. With this aim it has developed a number of interactions with schools of basic education and secondary education of the region.
In the current school year the Department of Chemistry will maintain the “Open Doors” visits by students of primary and secondary schools, offering a wide range of lectures adapted to these different levels of education. The department will continue to organize: the “Chemistry under investigation project (QSI)” integrated in the summer campus program of the University of Minho; “Science on Holidays” integrated in the “Ciência Viva” program; and the “Junior Chemistry Olympics” together with the Portuguese Society of Chemistry.
The Department of Chemistry also collaborates in the initiatives “Open Doors to Science and Technology” and the “Science Festival” organized by the School of Sciences of the University of Minho.